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06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

After all, who is behind these crimes?

We talked a lot about the Market, the Companies, the Industry, the Ruralists.

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

The siege explained on a map

This is the first text in the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”.

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

A port stuck in the “mouth” of the river

Embraps (Brazilian Company of Ports of Santarém, in English) intends to install a port at “Boca do Maicá” (Maicá’s Mouth),

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

Before the port arrives (if it does), the impacts already did

Nobody knows for sure: if they’ll leave or if they’ll stay; to if going some else; in which conditions if staying.

06/02/2020  •  Quilombolas +

Health center and quilombola school: the struggle changes life

This is part of the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

Curuaúna: on one side, soy. And on the other? Also soy

Poison oozesthe vast soy fields towards the quilombos and the waters of the Maicá River.

06/02/2020  •  Human Rights Defenders +

A face printed on a T-shirt

Chico Mendes, Marielle Franco, Dorothy Stang, Berta Cáceres, among others were in T-shirt

06/02/2020  •  Human Rights Defenders +

The motorcycle night

there’s no easy sleep in the corners of Brazil for those who dare to defend the rights of small farmers and rural workers

06/02/2020  •  Land Conflicts +

If well organized, everyone fights

This is the last part in the story “What really happens in the Amazon Forest”

05/22/2020  •  Biodiversity and Food Sovereignty +

Women Activists Latin America dialogue with Vandana Shiva

The video conference took place on Friday May 15, 2020 as Vandana Shiva addressed participantsall over Latin America.

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